International phone Code. To contact a close relative abroad, we must use the phone code of the intended country to be able to connect in the call.
Therefore, you must understand when you want to make a call overseas or international phone, please use the phone code information around the world that has been summarized in this article.
Here is a worldwide country phone code that you should know, sorted starting from the A-Z alphabet.
National phone Code of the World:
Therefore, you must understand when you want to make a call overseas or international phone, please use the phone code information around the world that has been summarized in this article.
Here is a worldwide country phone code that you should know, sorted starting from the A-Z alphabet.
National phone Code of the World:
Afganistan +93Afrika Selatan +27
Afrika Tengah +236
Albania +355
Algeria (Aljazair) +213
Amerika Serikat +1
Andorra +376
Angola +244
Anguila +1-264
Antigua +1-268
Antillen Belanda +599
Arab Saudi +966
Argentina +54
Armenia +374
Aruba +297
Australia +61
Austria +43
Azerbaijan +994
Bahama +1-242Bahrain +973
Bangladesh +880
Barbados +1-246
Barbuda +1-268
Belanda +31
Belarus +375
Belgia +32
Belize +501
Benin +229
Bermuda +1-441
Bhutan +975
Bolivia +591
Bosnia dan Herzegovina +387
Botswana +267
Brasil +55
Brunei Darussalam +673
Bulgaria +359
Burkina Faso +226
Burundi +257
Cape Verde +238Ceko +420
Chad +235
Chili +56
Cina/Tiongkok +86
Cina Makau +853
Denmark +45Djibouti +253
Domikia +1-767
Ekuador +593El Salvador +503
Eritrea +291
Estonia +372
Ethiopia +251
Fiji +679Filipina +63
Finlandia +358
Gabon +241Gambia +220Georgia +995
Ghana +233
Gibraltar +350
Greenland +299
Grenada +1-473
Guam +1-671
Guatemala +502
Guinea +224
Guinea Bissau +245
Guinea Ekuator +240
Guyana +592
Haiti +509Honduras +504
Hongaria +36
Hongkong +852
Indonesia +62India +91
Inggris (Britania Raya) +44
Irak +964
Iran +98
Irlandia +353
Islandia +354
Israel +972
Italia +39
Jamaika +1-876Jepang +81
Jerman +49
Jersey +44-1534
Kamboja +855Kamerun +237
Kanada +1
Kazakhstan +7
Kenya +254
Kepulauan Marshall +692
Kepulauan Turks dan Caicos +1-649
Kirgizstan +996
Kiribati +686
Kolombia +57
Komoros +682
Korea Selatan +82
Korea Utara +850
Kosta Rika +506
Kroasia +385
Kuba +53
Kuwait +965
Kurakao +599
Laos +856Latvia +371
Lebanon +961
Lesotho +266
Liberia +231
Libya +218
Liechtenstein +423
Lituania +370
Luksemburg +352
Madagaskar +261Makedonia +389
Maladewa +960
Malawi +265
Malaysia +60
Mali +223
Malta +356
Maroko +212
Mauritania +222
Mauritius +230
Mayotte +262
Meksiko +52
Mesir +20
Mikronesia +691
Moldova +373
Monako +377
Mongolia +976
Montenegro +382
Mozambik +258
Myanmar +95
Namibia +264Nauru +674
Nepal +977
Niger +227
Nigeria +234
Nikaragua +505
Niue +683
Norwegia +47
Pakistan +92Palau +680
Palestina +970
Panama +507
Pantai Gading +225
Papua Nugini +675
Paraguay +595
Perancis +33
Perancis Polinesia +689
Peru +51 Pitcairn +64
Polandia +48
Portugal +351
Puerto Riko +1-787, +1-939
Pulau Cocos +61
Pulau Cook +682
Pulau Falkland +500
Pulau Faroe +298
Pulau Man +44-1624
Pulau Mariana Utara +1-670
Pulau Reuni +262
Pulau Solomon +677
Pulau Virgin +1-340
Qatar +974R
Republik Ceko +420Republik Demokrasi Kongo +243
Republik Dominika +1-809, +1-829, +1-849
Rumania +40
Rusia +7
Rwanda +250
Sahara Barat +212Santo Barthelemy +590
Santo Helena +290
Santo Kitts dan Nevis +1-869
Santo Lucia +1-758
Santo Vincent dan Grenadines +1-784
Samoa +685
San Marino +378
Sao Tome dan Principe +239
Selandia Baru +64
Senegal +221
Serbia +381
Seychelles +248
Sierra Leone +232
Singapura +65
Siprus +357
Slovenia +386
Slowakia +421
Somalia +252
Spanyol +34
Sri Lanka +94
Sudan +249
Sudan +211
Suriah +963
Suriname +597
Svalbard dan Jan Mayen +47
Swaziland +268
Swedia +46
Swiss +41
Tajikistan +992Tanjung Verde +238
Tanzania +255
Taiwan +886
Thailand +66
Timor Leste +670
Togo +228
Tokelau +690
Tonga +676
Trinidad dan Tobago +1-868
Tunisia +216
Turki +90
Turkmenistan +993
Tuvalu +688
Uganda +256Ukraina +380
Uni Emirat Arab +971
Uruguay +598
Uzbekistan +998
Vanuatu +678Vatican +379
Venezuela +58
Vietnam +84
Walls dan Futuna +681Y
Yaman +967Yunani +30
Yordania +962
Zambia +260Zimbabwe +263
Hopefully this information can be a reference you make to know the phone code from different countries of the world and you can always connect with your relatives.
Please share or bookmark this page about the list of phone codes of countries of the world when this information is useful, do not forget to always spread the positive things in your environment yes.😉
Please share or bookmark this page about the list of phone codes of countries of the world when this information is useful, do not forget to always spread the positive things in your environment yes.😉