Latest discoveries in the physics world

The space page records seven findings that deserve a thumbs-up. These findings are not only important for the advancement of space, but also have a major influence on the future civilization of humanity. Here are the findings of the space field throughout 2010


The long-awaited news was present in September. A Earth-like planet is suspected of being in space. It is no longer merely an illusion or a dream. Almost everything is identical, even in size as Earth. The planet was named Gliese 581g.

The findings were revealed by astronomers of the University of California Santa Cruz. Steven Vogt, one of the team members, stated, there is a condition that supports the presence of water there. Therefore VOGT believes man can live and settle. But, some other astronomers remind me that the findings are still too early.


The Japanese space vehicle, Hayabusha, brought home a special gift for world Science. His explorations successfully carries the asteroid dust samples taken from the source directly.

Dust is derived from the surface of Itokawa asteroid 2 billion km from Earth. Hayabya means eagle, traveling for 7 years to reach the asteroid.

Sampling was carried out directly by the spacecraft. It's not easy to land on Itokawa. The new reason for both missions was successfully completed.

Hayabusha arrives back to Earth on 13 June. It carries at least 1,500 asteroid dust grains which are essential for science and knowledge.


The U.S. national Space and Development Agency (NASA) plans to host a scientific conference titled "Discussion on astrobiological findings to uncover life beyond the Earth", speculation also spread.

Some observers of science and journalists suspect that NASA researchers have been tracking the celestial creatures in one of Saturn's moons, Titan, who are able to live on environmental conditions full of toxic gases.

In fact it is not as excited as it might be. Researchers claim to find only microbes on earth that eat arsenic. The creature was then called GFAJ-1.

It can transform toxins into its DNA. This behavior proves that living creatures can survive in any condition from what was previously imagined.

Further, the findings open up opportunities for the search efforts of the signs of life in space. Doubts lead from other researchers regarding the truth of the creature that can live off arsenic. The evidence should be anticipated, as well as claims of life in the Martian the ALH 84001 meteorite.


Scientists dubbed the phenomenon The sun's tsunami. Around last August, the Sun experienced extraordinary activities. A series of big explosions occurred on the surface of the star closest to the Earth.

Energy blasts across the space for 93 million miles. The explosion generates an aurora in the sky. This is a cycle that will be over 11 years old, characterized by ups and downs of electromagnetic waves, bursts of fire, and light.

There are concerns, the impact of explosions could damage the communication satellites orbiting the Earth. Undoubtedly, the sun is in the most active period. He seemed to wake up from his sleep.


Years of dark matter became a mystery. In fact, the element covered 80% of the materials. Its name is pinned because it is very difficult to see by extraterrestrial instruments.

However, Astro physics experts make a big breakthrough. They managed to identify signs of this dark matter. There is hope to reveal all things about it. One of the findings concerning dark matter particles. The particulates are antiparticle-characterized. It will destroy anything that is nearby.

Researchers suspect that the mark of the dark matter particles is a gamma-ray destroyer. The Fermi space telescope has detected gamma-ray waves from the center of the galaxy that are brighter than the original estimate.

It is possible that the incident comes from a dark matter particle that is reacting antiparticles. Based on this radiation activity data, dark matter consists of particles called WIMP (weakly interacting massive particles). The particle has a mass of nine times greater than the proton.

Researchers also suspected the existence of a cross section explaining the article's link density. The findings were a major step in an attempt to unveil the mystery of dark matter.


Nobody thought the Deep Impact space rides were able to connect two comets at a time. After an extra distance of up to 4.6 million kilomete, Deep Impact finally reached its next target, Comet Hartley 2.

Prior to that, precisely at 2005, Deep Impact had reached Comet 1. He launched research tools to the surface of the planet to study the composition of the comet.

However, scientists have found that Deep Impact still has a spare force for browsing again. The mission to Hartley 2 resulted in the finding that the nut-shaped comet was still very active. It is a gas-spouting cyanide propel that comes from carbon dioxide.


In nature there is always a decree. That theory is believed to be decades old. For example, electromagnetic strength is often called a constant or alpha structure. The element is always fixed anywhere. However, observations in the nearby galaxies show that alpha can vary. The difference depends on which galaxy it is. This means that the speed of light or electron strength has various variables according to their respective locations.

Research was conducted in two places, namely through Keck in Hawaii and a large telescope in Chile. Both cover observations in the Southern and northern skies. From there it is known, the alpha element has a difference in space. In the northern sky, the structure still turns to shrink as the distance increases. Meanwhile, the opposite is in the southern sky

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