Time will probably stop 5 billion next year

Waktu Mungkin Akan Berhenti 5 Milyar Tahun Depan

Previously, the theory said that time was infinite, but the new theory says otherwise.

As far as astrophysicist can say, the universe expands at high speeds and tends to remain so for an infinite period of time. But now some physicists have said that this theory is called "perpetual development" and the implication that time is not in the end, it is a problem for scientists to calculate the probability of each occurrence. In a new paper, they calculate that time tends to stop in the next 5 billion years due to a kind of catastrophe that nobody lives at that time to witness the incident.

Physicist Raphael Bousso of the University of California, Berkeley, along with his colleagues published a paper detailing their theories on arXiv.org. In the paper, they explain that in an everlasting universe, the most impossible events will eventually occur, and not only occur but occur in an infinite number. Because the probability or opportunity is interpreted in the sphere of relative abundance of events, there is no point in determining each probability because each occurrence will be more likely to occur.

"If it does happen in nature, lasting development has tremendous implications," as Bousso and his colleagues have written in their papers.  "Any type of incident or event that has a probability that is not of zero value, will occur many times indefinitely, usually in separate territories that remain forever outside of causal relationships. This undermined the basis of the probabilistic predictions of experiments carried out in the everyday world. If infinite many people across the Universe win the raffle, on what field can someone still claim that winning the lottery is impossible? Surely there are also many people who do not win the lottery, but in what sense their number more? In everyday experiments such as following a raffle, we have clear rules for making predictions and testing theories. But if the universe expands forever, we no longer know why these rules work.

"To see that this is not merely a philosophical intent, it helps to consider the cosmological experiments in which the rules are somewhat less obvious. For example, someone would want to predict or explain the privileges of a cosmic microwave background, or a theory of more than one vacuum, one might want to predict the unpredictable properties of the vacuum that we know ourselves, such as the Higgs Mass. This requires computing the relative number of observations — the observation of different values of the Higgs mass, or the cosmic micro-wave backlight. There will be a lot of infinite examples of any observations that may be done, so what is probability? It is known as the "measurement problem " lasting development.  "

Physicists explain that one solution to this problem is to conclude that the time will eventually cease. Then there will be a limited amount of events occurring where the odds of the impossible occur less than the events that are possible.

The selection of time  "termination " will interpret the series of allowed events. Physicists therefore try to calculate the possibility of when the time will cease resulting in five different discontinuation measurements. In two of these five scenarios, the time has a 50% chance of stopping within 3.7 billion years. In two other scenarios, time has a 50% chance to stop at 3.3 billion years.

In the fifth scenario which is the last scenario, the time scale is very short (in the Planck time sequence). In this scenario, scientists calculate that the "time will be very large tends to stop at the next second." Fortunately, this calculation predicts that most people are "Boltzmann babies" arising from quantum turmoil at the beginning of the universe. Since most of us are not "babies", the physicists can issue this scenario (for sure).

How did the end of such time be perceived by the people at that time? As the physicist explained, the people would never know it. "People at that time will inevitably be in termination before witnessing the death of all other systems," as written by scientists. They compare these time-stopping limits with the black Hole's horizon.

"The limit can be treated as an object with physical properties including temperature," according to the physicists in their papers.  "The material systems that meet the end time in the termalization of this horizon. It is similar to the idea of people who are outside about a material system that falls into a black hole. However, a very new thing is the statement that we may have been malized at a time past the horizon of the black hole.  "Even so unmalized " material system  "Still will not find anything unusual when passing this horizon.

For those who feel uncomfortable about the cessation of time, physicists notice that there are other solutions to measure the problem. They do not claim that their conclusion that time will stop is correct, only it logically follows from a series of assumptions. So perhaps one of the three assumptions that underscore that conclusion is not true.

The first assumption is that the universe is expanding forever, which is the consequence of general relativity and is strongly supported by experimental evidence observed during this time. The second assumption is that the definition of probability is based on the relative frequency of an incident, or what scientists call the assumption of senility. The third assumption is that if the space time is indeed infinite, then the only way to determine the probablity of an incident is to restrict one's attention to a limited part of the infinite universe. Some other physicists consider alternatives to this third assumption.

Whatever happened in 3.7 billion years, Bousso's paper and his associates will probably cause various reactions in the near future.

At least we can see the outline of this information.

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